All tagged Hiking

5: Vision Quest and Rocket's Ascent

I almost felt guilty that I was there out of curiosity. As Thomas Hobbes discussed in Leviathan “curiosity is the lust of the mind”. I didn’t have any PTSD or deeply held trauma that I needed to work through so when it got to my turn I said that I was interested in learning more about myself. I wanted to shake the snowglobe of my mind and see what would happen.

2: Sole Searching

“It was time to get a look at my toes and see what horrors awaited. I pulled off my left shoe and then my sock to uncover a bloody mess and open wound that completely covered my big toe. The blister wrapped almost all the way around to the other side. There were wool fibers from my sock stuck deep into the coagulated mixture of blood and puss that layered the top of exposed flesh. The once massive blister was now a dead mass of white skin. My heart sank as I realized how bad of a mess my toes were in.” 

1: Ungerwhere

Life happens…Shit happens... you get lemons... When God closes a door…. you know how the rest of the sayings go. In the Summer of 2022, life happened and not in the way I would ever want. I had just bought a home, I was a single dad with two young daughters and then… I lost my job. The universe seemed to have a plan for me though and while I’m still figuring out what those plans are, the window that opened up in spite of the door closing set me out on a new journey. One that started off with my first steps into the unknown - literally and figuratively. I walked 500 miles from Denver to Durango along the Colorado Trail. A journey that has easily gone down as one of the most impactful of my life and one that I hope can be a source of encouragement and inspiration to others. This is the beginning of that journey.